
Artikelnummer: A100037087333803172073 Kategorien: , , , ,


Friedrich Wilhelm Joseph Schelling: Historisch-kritische Ausgabe / Reihe I: Werke. Ergänzungsband zu den Werken Band 5-9

One obstacle to understanding Schelling‹s philosophy of nature is the fact that Schelling assumed that contemporary readers had a knowledge of the sciences at that time which today‹s reader generally does not have. The editors have attempted to remedy this: The supplementary volume to Volumes 5-9 completes the explanations in the corresponding volumes. It presents a selection of scientific and medical theories from the 17th and 18th centuries to which Schelling refers. In dealing with the references Schelling made to the individual scientific disciplines, the ›History of Science Report‹ gives the research into Schelling‹s philosophy of nature an appropriate basis.

EAN: 9783772814679


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